class DronePosition

This class stores a standard Position representation regardless the one used by MavSDK. Implements methods to convert position in various formats (mavsdk.telemetry.position -> [float], DronePosition -> parameters list for action.goto_location ([float])…). Implements method to modify a DronePosition giving 3D axis displacements.

  • latitude_deg (float): Latitude in degrees.

  • longitude_deg (float): Longitude in degrees.

  • absolute_altitude_m (float): Absolute altitude in meters.

  • from_mavsdk_position(pos:telemetry.Position) -> None

  • to_goto_location(self, prev_pos:’DronePosition’=None) -> List[float]

  • increment_m(self, lat_increment_m, long_increment_m, alt_increment_m) -> ‘DronePosition’


>>> from utils.droneposition import DronePosition
>>> pos = DronePosition(48.719621, 2.2150108, 1000)
>>> new_pos = pos.increment_m(100,0,-10)
>>> print(new_pos.to_goto_location())
[148.719621, 2.2150108, 990, -90]
from math import m_to_deg, deg_to_m
from mavsdk import telemetry

class DronePosition:
    def __init__(self,
                 absolute_altitude_m:float) -> None:
        self.latitude_deg = latitude_deg
        self.longitude_deg = longitude_deg
        self.absolute_altitude_m = absolute_altitude_m

    def from_mavsdk_position(cls, pos:telemetry.Position) -> None:
        Defines the instance retrieving info by a Position object of MavSDK.

            pos (telemetry.Position): Position object from which define the class instance
        return cls(pos.latitude_deg, pos.longitude_deg, pos.absolute_altitude_m)

    def to_goto_location(self, prev_pos:'DronePosition'=None) -> List[float]:
        Convert DronePosition to the correct format for action.goto_location.
        Desired format: goto_location(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, absolute_altitude_m, yaw_deg)

            prev_pos (DronePosition, optional): Starting position.
        Used to calculate the `yaw` angle.
        If not specified, defaults to None.

            List[float]: Coordinates float list with the following format:
        (lat_deg, long_deg, abs_alt_m, yaw)
        if prev_pos == None:
            yaw = 0
            d_lat = self.latitude_deg - prev_pos.latitude_deg
            d_lon = self.longitude_deg - prev_pos.longitude_deg
            # tan_angle = 90 + d_lon/d_lat
            # yaw = math.atan(tan_angle)
            yaw_rad = math.atan2(d_lat, d_lon)
            yaw = math.degrees(yaw_rad)
            yaw = (yaw + 360) % 360 - 90
        return (self.latitude_deg, self.longitude_deg, self.absolute_altitude_m, yaw)

    def increment_m(self, lat_increment_m, long_increment_m, alt_increment_m) -> 'DronePosition':
        Modifies the current position with 3D displacements passed as arguments

            lat_increment_m (_type_): latitude displacement [m]
            long_increment_m (_type_): longitude displacement [m]
            alt_increment_m (_type_): altitude displacement [m]

            DronePosition: New current DronePosition
        new_lat = self.latitude_deg + m_to_deg(lat_increment_m)
        new_lon = self.longitude_deg + m_to_deg(long_increment_m)
        new_alt = self.absolute_altitude_m + alt_increment_m
        return DronePosition(new_lat, new_lon, new_alt)