
The file is the core of the module provided. It handles all the logic for running the Stigmergy algorithm.

The Stigmergy algorithm is a type of indirect communication where individuals in a group leave signals (called pheromones) in the environment that influence the behavior of other individuals in the group. In this case, the drones are the individuals in the group and the pheromones are the virtual targets that they release.

The file implements the following steps of the stigmergy algorithm:

  1. The leader drone releases a pheromone on a virtual target.

  2. The other drones in the swarm randomly move around the map.

  3. If a drone detects a pheromone track, it follows the track to the target.

  4. Once the drone reaches the target, it releases a pheromone of its own.

  5. The pheromones evaporate over time.

The file also includes functions for:

  • Handling the random movement of the drones.

  • Releasing pheromones.

  • Evaporation of pheromones.

  • Detecting pheromone tracks.

  • Showing a heatmap of the pheromones on the map.

The file is a complex piece of code that implements the core logic of the stigmergy algorithm. It is well-organized and easy to read, and it makes good use of functions to break the code into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the steps of the stigmergy algorithm as implemented in the file:

  1. The leader drone releases a pheromone on a virtual target.

The leader drone is the first drone to be launched. It flies around the map randomly until it finds a suitable location for a virtual target. Once it finds a location, it releases a pheromone on that location.

  1. The other drones in the swarm randomly move around the map.

The other drones in the swarm are launched after the leader drone. They start by flying around the map randomly.

  1. If a drone detects a pheromone track, it follows the track to the target.

If a drone detects a pheromone track, it starts following the track to the target. The pheromone track is a sequence of locations that have been previously visited by drones that have released pheromones.

  1. Once the drone reaches the target, it releases a pheromone of its own.

Once the drone reaches the target, it releases a pheromone of its own. This pheromone will attract other drones to the target, helping to spread the pheromone throughout the map.

  1. The pheromones evaporate over time.

The pheromones that are released by the drones evaporate over time. This means that the pheromone tracks will eventually disappear if no new pheromones are released.

The file is a powerful tool for simulating the behavior of drones in a stigmergic system. It can be used to study the effects of different parameters on the performance of the stigmergy algorithm, such as the number of drones, the evaporation rate of the pheromones, and the distribution of the virtual targets.

The file is also a valuable tool for developing new algorithms for controlling drones in stigmergic systems. The code in the file can be used to test new algorithms and to evaluate their performance.

import asyncio
import random
import itertools

from typing import List
from loguru import logger

from models.patch import Patch
from models.swarm import Swarm
from models.pheromone import Pheromone
from models.droneposition import DronePosition, deg_to_m, m_to_deg

from utils.stigmergy.squareperimeter import calculate_square_boundaries
from utils.stigmergy.patch import get_patch_coords
from utils.stigmergy.heatmap import show_heatmap
from utils.stigmergy.virtualtarget import get_virtual_target

class Stigmergy:
    Class defined to run drones swarm simulation based on stigmergic algorithm.
    It performs a basic recruitment algorithm reproducing the behaviour of natural species such as ants.
    The algorithm leverages the concept of Pheromone in order to signal a target on the flying area to the entire drones swarm.

    def __init__(self, swarm:Swarm, spawn:DronePosition) -> None:
        __field: quantized square map, divided in patches
        __swarm: drone swarm associated with the simulation
        __boundaries: physical boundaries of the map (calculated considering the drones spawn position as the center of the square)
        self.__field: List[List[Patch]] = [[Patch() for _ in range(20)] for _ in range(20)]
        self.__swarm = swarm
        self.__boundaries = calculate_square_boundaries(deg_to_m(spawn.latitude_deg), deg_to_m(spawn.longitude_deg), 100)

    def hold_position(self, index:int) -> bool:
        Function to control if a drone has to maintain its position on a patch where it just released a new pheromone.
        - True if it has to maintain it position
        for row in self.__field:
            for patch in row:
                for pheromone in patch.get_pheromones():
                    if pheromone.released_by == index:
              "[Vehicle {index+1}] holding position on the pheromone track")
                        return True

        return False

    async def random_swarm_movement(self, index) -> None:
        Handle the randomic movement of the drones swarm across the map.
        Each instance of the function is related to a single drone, identified by `index`
        drone_pos = DronePosition(0,0,0)

        while True:
            # check if currently the drone has already reached a pheromone track and has still to hold its position
            if not self.hold_position(index):
                # Update the position based on random velocity
                new_latitude = self.__boundaries[0][0] + random.randint(0, 99)
                new_longitude = self.__boundaries[2][1] + random.randint(0, 99)

                drone_pos.latitude_deg = m_to_deg(new_latitude)
                drone_pos.longitude_deg = m_to_deg(new_longitude)
                drone_pos.absolute_altitude_m = 490

                # Move the drone to the new position
                # await drone.action.goto_location(new_latitude, new_longitude, 0, 0)
                await self.__swarm.set_position(index, drone_pos)
                await asyncio.sleep(10)
                await asyncio.sleep(2)

    def release_pheromone(self, target:DronePosition, index:int=0):
        Release a new pheromone on the given `target` position.
        Assign the new pheromone released to a specific drone identified by its `index`.
        This prevents the same drone to release multiple pheromones on the same patch while scanning for pheromones.
        pheromone = Pheromone()
        pheromone.released_by = index

        x_index, y_index = get_patch_coords(self.__boundaries[0][0], self.__boundaries[2][1], 100, 20, target)

        patch = self.__field[x_index][y_index]

        logger.success(f"Released pheromone @{x_index, y_index}")


    async def pheromone_routine(self) -> None:
        Routine that triggers every 1 second. Tasks:
        1) Check current drone position to handle pheromone releases across the map
        2) Handle pheromone evaporation

        while True:
            # check drone positions in order to detect pheromone tracks
            drone_positions = await self.__swarm.positions
            drone_patches = []

            drone_patches = [get_patch_coords(self.__boundaries[0][0], self.__boundaries[2][1], 100, 20, d) for d in drone_positions]

            for i, p in itertools.islice(enumerate(drone_patches), 1, None):
                if self.__field[p[0]][p[1]].count_items() > 0:

                    release_approved = True
                    pheromones = self.__field[p[0]][p[1]].get_pheromones()
                    for pheromone in pheromones:
                        if pheromone.released_by == i:
                            release_approved = False

                    if release_approved:
                        logger.success(f"[Vehicle {i+1}] discovered a pheromone track at {p}. Holding position.")
                        # release pheromone on the target patch
                        self.release_pheromone(drone_positions[i], i)

                        # send fly command to the drone to reach the target position and hold
                        await self.__swarm.set_position(i, drone_positions[i])

            # update pheromone intensity due to evaporation
            for row in self.__field:
                for patch in row:
                    pheromones = patch.get_pheromones()

                    for item in pheromones:
                        is_active = item.tick()

                        if(not is_active):
                  "Removing vanished PHEROMONE")

            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def leader_flight(self) -> None:
        Leader drone of the swarm starts to fly searching for the target, thanks to the virtual sensing algorithm.
        Once reached, a pheromone is released into the related `patch`

        while True:
            virtual_target = get_virtual_target(self.__boundaries[0][0], self.__boundaries[2][1], 100)

            await self.__swarm.set_position(0, virtual_target)
            await asyncio.sleep(7)

  "[LEADER DRONE] Target reached")

    async def start(self) -> None:
        Runs the simulation to test the stigmergic algorithm
        1 - Swarm Takeoff
        2.1 - "Leader" drone, who can detect the target thanks to the virtual sensing algorithm, starts reaching targets and releasing pheromones
        2.2 - The whole Swarm start to fly among the working field randomly until some reaches a pheromone track
        2.3 - A routine is launched every 1 second to handle pheromones evaporation and check drones position, sending instructions if a drone flies over a pheromone track

        # allow the entire swarm to takeoff
        await self.__swarm.takeoff()
        await asyncio.sleep(10)

        # start the random swarm movement for each drone except Leader
        # start the leader drone movement
        # start the pheromone sensing and evaporation routine
        tasks = [self.random_swarm_movement(i) for i in range(1, len(self.__swarm.get_drones()))]

        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)